Back To The Basics: Educating Our Children

As parents, our first priority becomes our children and ensuring that their needs are meet.  Of all of the basic needs, in my opinion, ensuring that our children are being educated properly is one of our number one priorities.  The education that our children receive ultimately determines their future and the window of opportunities that will be placed before them.

In these great United States that we reside in, each state can have their own blueprint for education, and unfortunately, there are some that actually do not have a blueprint (that’s another blogpost).  Regardless of the choice of school that you have decided to place your child in, it is still your responsibility to educate your child.  It is not the responsibility of the teacher or the school district to develop your child wholly.  The last time I checked, that is our responsibility as parents.   

The main priorities that I view being essential to parenting are teaching respect and the significance of OUR history.  Having these core values engrained in our children, are held as a precedence in my book and have personally done wonders in developing my children, especially while being a single parent.

Respect of self, respect for others, and respect of our elders. These may appear basic, but they are lacking.  The attitude and behaviors of many of our youth, blatantly show their lack of respect for themselves and for others.  The powerful message of the value of the wisdom that our elders hold and the high level of respect that should be displayed for them is becoming non-existent. 
OUR History
If you are not of the majority race in our country, the value of OUR history is weighed on the scale of a month.  The truth and significance of our race and its value to our country is not shared, thus, creating a sense of non-value in our children.  Educating our children with the truth of the past successes of OUR leaders, says to our children, “If they can do it in those circumstance, I can do it as well.” 

We must get back to the center of developing our children, while passing up the message.  We must stop becoming complacent with relying on an educational system to develop our children.  We must raise our children to understand their past, for the purposeful successful development of their future.  We were not blessed with our children for them to raise themselves, we were blessed with them to guide and direction them, while laying a foundation of stable ground for them to walk upon and carry on our family name. 
Peace & Blessings


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