What About You?
Sometimes as women, we forget ourselves. We become increasingly involved in the lives of others, while placing our dreams on the back burner. We vicariously
begin living through our children, friends, family members, and co workers, all
the while secretly wishing for just a speck of the spice in their life.
Have you seen yourself here?
Have you seen a friend or family member here?
I’ve seen myself in this picture too many times to mention. After working, taking care of kids, and ensuring that the needs of my home is met (all by myself), I forget about me! If you really think about it, the first person that we should be taking care of is ourselves, because if something happens to us, where does that leave our family…especially if we’re single mothers. In the complications of this scenario, we fail to realize the negative effects that this situation places in our lives: stress, fatigue, weight gain, weight loss, mood swings, over eating, and the list could go on. So, if you’re wondering how to get from there to a place of self – fulfillment, here are a few examples of how to get more of YOU in YOUR life:
1. Plan
a date or a night out with the girls and get a babysitter: Many times we feel guilty about having to
work and leave our children in the care of someone else, while failing to realize
that our children need a break from us as well.
So call up the sitter, your parents, or a friend and go have some fun!
2. Schedule an appointment for a massage,
pedicure, manicure, or with your hairstylist: Go get
pampered! Get that new haircut or hairstyle! You deserve it! Sit back, relax and enjoy clearing your mind
from all the stressors in life.
3. Register
for a class: We all have something
that we’ve been curious about getting involved in. Get up, get out, or search the internet to find
out when and where the next class is being offered.
4. Plan
for the ultimate vacation (w/out the kids):
Start saving now and treat yourself to some out of this world fun that
will rejuvenate your spirit and zest for life.
These are just a few examples of how you can begin to direct
a bit of happiness back into your life. As
women, we all can have such busy lives, that is all the reason why we deserve
to treat ourselves. If we don’t treat
ourselves special, how can we expect someone else to? When you have a chance, try out a few of the
suggestions and let me know if they worked out for you. If you have few that have worked for you,
please be sure to share, I would love to try them out.
Peace and Blessings~
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