Hi Neighbor

What happened to the days of knowing everyone on your block?  I can remember growing up and knowing the names to just about every family on my block.  Whether I went to school with their children or seen my parents speak to them every day, I knew to say Hi.  It was out of respect to spend time greeting your neighbor and sharing polite conversation.

Nowadays, that just isn’t the case.  We live right next door to people and never know their names.  We don’t bother to say Hi.  We could care less about holding a 30 second conversation.  We walk by them, as if they don’t even exist.  How inconsiderate have we become?  Have we lost all admiration for common conversation? 

It seems that we as a society are becoming busy with technology and ourselves that we have forgotten to engage our fellow woman or man. We have dismissed the importance that a heartfelt hello can bring.  We have become so consumed with what’s going on inside of our four walls, that we’ve forgotten to give attention to the sunshine on the outside of those walls.  How hard can it be to simply greet your neighbor and ask them how their day has been, ask if they need help with anything, or compliment them on their lawn. 
Now, this is my challenge for everyone in the spirit of National Night Out, which is approaching us this first Tuesday of August .  Put your phones down, go outside and say Hi to your neighbors;  find out their names and something about them.   Hey, if you're feeling up to it, inquire about joining your local neighborhood association.  You never know what a difference a good conversation with a neighbor can make!

Enjoy your “Night Out” and don’t forget to drop by and let me know who you met and how it went.
Peace and Blessings,


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