Wow!  It's been a long time and too much of a long time that I haven't paid attention to me, but now.... I'm back!  There have been so many changes in my life since that last time I sat down and penned my conversational thoughts.  There's been a new edition to my family, new budding career, and soon to be advancement into the married life.  In all of that hub bub, I forgot about ME and starting channeling all of my focus on my family, which left very little time to write and do what makes me happy.  Well yesterday something clicked, it was as if God's hands dropped outta the sky and slapped some since into me and said GET IT TOGETHER GIRL, I gave you these gifts and talents and you better use them.  So my plan is to get back on this blogger road and give it another try, regardless, what do I have to loose at something that makes me happy and gives me some peace of my mind!

I'm sure that other women have experienced putting everyone else before them and not taking up enough time for themselves, then finding themselves depressed, overweight, busy, stressed, and not having the life that they truly wanted.  Well, today is the day that I take some steps at changing all of that, the only problem is that I have no idea how.  If anybody has any advice, please share and help a sista out!

Peace & Love


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