Which Way Will You Choose?

How many times have we been so focused on doing things our way that we have never allowed ourselves to open up to allow God to change things in our lives, so that things can go His way? 

This thought came to my mind not too long ago, when I was taking my children to school and I went a totally opposite way than I was used to driving, without even realizing it, until one of my children said something to me.  Although I went a different direction, not only did I arrive at my destination, but I arrived there a few minutes early.  Had I been so focused that day on going the way that I am used to, I would have missed the opportunity for God to reveal a new way to me, that allowed me to get them to school quicker.

We can become so set in our own ways, that we actually move God out of the way and begin to function from what is familiar.  We hold onto comments such as:  “Well, this is the way I always go,” or “This is how I always do it,” or “These are the things that I always use,” not realizing that we are boxing ourselves into a closed off space, that leaves God without room to extend us beyond those limits.  Just because it worked all year long, doesn’t mean that it will work for the remaining of the year or the next year coming.  

What I do know, is that when God does reveal to us a new way or new revelation, it is our responsibility to act on that new.  It is our responsibility to make the necessary changes to incorporate that new way into our lives and allow God to open up new levels and new dimensions, so that we can ultimately function on a new level. 

You may be thinking that my example of driving my children to school a different way is minor, but to me it is major, because if God cannot trust me to follow His direction with something such as this, how can He trust me to follow His direction at the next level in my life?  This reminds me of Ruth and Naomi, had Ruth listened to Naomi and allowed herself to stay in Moab with Orpah and not follow closely to Naomi and embrace the new direction for her life, she would have never been able to be of assistance to Naomi and would have never encountered Boaz, which would have left her not reaching God's destiny for her life.

So Sista's, I ask you:
  • Where in your life is God trying to redirect you?  
  • What thing in your life are you so bound in your ways that you need to relinquish your reigns and give God back His authority in that area of your life?
  • Once God has redirected you in that area, will you maintain the redirected path or reverse back to your old ways?

Sista's, I pray that you ask God to reveal that place in your life that you need to allow God to redirect so that you can advance upon the path that He has laid out before you, that reaches towards your destiny. 

Peace & Blessing,


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