He Will Do It Again
Your day may have started out all over the place, the finances in your bank account may look less grim than ever, your children may not be happy with you today, you and your Husband may not be on the best terms today, you may have loss your job today, an eviction notice may be posted on your door today, your co-workers may be getting on your nerves today, work may be stressing you, family may be stressing you, but the main thing to remember is that we have a God that we serve that can make all things new (Isaiah 43:18).
So, to renew your mind and to bring things back into focus, I encourage you to think on when your days were going great, your finances were great, your relationship with your children were great, your relationship with your husband was great, you were working, your rent and utilities were paid, and your work environment was peaceful, while remembering that if God did it in the past, then he can surely Do It Again. Even if He has not done it personally for you yet, His just and true Word can be the platform that you stand firm on, as His blessings play out before you. Think on the good things, think on the positive things, and call your life into order. Get on your knees, stand up, sit at your desk, in your car, or wherever and speak to God, decreeing and declaring that He will do it again, that He will change your situation around because HE can change a wilderness into a pool of water and a dry land into springs of water (Psalm 107:25).
Trust that God will Do It Again and this will be yet another testimony that you can pass on to someone else about His grace, His mercy, His love, and how much of a Good Good Father, He truly is.
Peace & Blessings,
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