Tell It
Regardless of where we are in our lives as women, each of
us share similar stories. It’s just that
some of us are too proud, too ashamed, too stuck, too careless, or too self
centered to share our truths, leaving us in an abyss of powerlessness. Our daughters, nieces, cousins and future
strongholds are left to questions their very existence in this complex and bias
centered world, because we chose to remain voiceless. What’s the use of our freedom and tongues, if
we’re going to do nothing more than taste what is familiar?
There is much in life that we have to offer as women, so
why don’t we? Why do we hold onto the
very things that made us into who we are today, without sharing them? Even if they happen to be failures, I'm positive that something
was gained.
It’s time that we fellowship about more than the latest
television show, community rumor, or video.
Whatever your story is, I challenge you to tell it! Tell it privately, publicly, intimately,
and/or openly. Remove the selfish veil
and think about who might need that story, just to believe enough to make it
another day.
Peace and Blessings,
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