Stop Weighing Yourself Down!

About one year ago, I embarked on a journey to improve my health holistically, by improving my eating habits, physical fitness habits, social environment, and spiritual health.  Honestly, it was time.  I felt sluggish, tired, weak, and depressed.  I felt this way, not only about my personal life, but also about my physical appearance.  Feeling this way was affecting my attitude and activities with my children, my work performance, and my outlook on the promises of my future.  I felt flat out uncomfortable in my own skin, so I decided to make some changes in my life, not only for me, but for my children as well.  It was time!  So I grabbed my spoonful of courage, looked in the mirror and promised myself that it was my last day of weighing myself down and my first day picking myself up and it has been a riveting ride since!

I first began with indulging in my higher power and taking time alone to truly come at peace with my life, my situation, and my future, while trusting the direction in which I was being led.  At first it was hard to just let go, but it has been so worth it! Then, I evaluated my personal and social environment and decided if certain people, places, and things were purposeful to me or not.  If they were not, I released them, to make room for what can be and what will be.  Lastly, I began to improve my health, by eating healthy and becoming more physically active.  I joined a weight loss program, gave it my all and began to take seriously what I chose to consume.  The physical weight lifting off, not only improved and increased my self esteem, but increased my stamina and excitement to be involved with my children.

I feel free, I feel happy, I feel encouraged, and I feel like life is my playground.  I know that I’m taking back everything that the devil has stolen from me and it is an empowering feeling. 

One year later, 30 pounds lighter and EMPOWERED

None of this has happened overnight and my journey is not over, but I can say that TODAY, I am much farther and happier than I’ve ever been.  Your happiness is waiting right around the corner for you, remove what’s weighing you down, turn that corner and GRAB IT!

Peace & Blessings,


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