Stuck on Page 222
When is the last time that you were reading a good book and about
the time that you reached the middle of the book, it started to get boring? In fact, so boring that you were pushing
yourself to finish it, just because you brought it, only to find yourself
having to put it down, place it back on the bookshelf or donate it to a local
thrift store just to rid yourself of it.
This scenario can often times be similar to a relationship
that just isn’t going anywhere. We stay
along for the ride, hoping for the thrills and zeal’s of the beginning, while pushing
ourselves forward to that next day, only to find out that it actually turned
out to be a bit more sour than our taste could bear. We began to feel that there is no way out,
but to remain isolated in a bottomless pit of too much trying. Feeling too
tired to wave the S.O.S. flag, too exhausted to push forward, and too lazy to
look as if the relationship is actually alive.
Is this knocking on anyone’s door? If so, are you willing to
open the door or pretend as if you’re not home? The answer to either one of
these questions has the ability to end or begin something simultaneously, and
that something…is your LIFE. As women,
it is common knowledge that we give all of ourselves to everyone else, but fail
to exercise that same principle in demanding that giving spirit in return. This plays itself out in relationships that
we know are dead or are approaching death, but we stay holding on even when it’s
not trying to hold onto us. Sacrificing
ourselves for fear of the thoughts of others, fear of letting go, fear of the future
or believing that the love that once was will wake up from the dead, even when
it is lying in front of us uprooted and bearing no fruit.
Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong street to travel
up on this road, because the contents in everyone’s car and the location to
which they are traveling is different.
That decision must be made by the driver, passenger, or both.
My only advice is to not remain stuck, don’t lose yourself,
don’t sacrifice your happiness, embrace communication, and seek guidance from your
higher power.
We all have rough periods in our lives, just be sure not to
let that “rough period” turn into your entire life.
Peace & Blessings
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